PF/QF State Habitat Meeting - 2/11-12


New member
This year’s meeting will be held on Saturday, Febru-ary 12rd in Salina at the Ramada Inn. The annual PF/QF state banquet will be held on the evening of Feb. 12 at the same location and will cost $25 for members, $25 for member spouses and $60 for non-members (includes choice of PF or QF membership).

Motels in Salina offering deals:
Please make reservations by Jan. 27 for the rate below!!
Ramada Inn, 1616 West Crawford
-$65/night Call-785-823-1739
KS State Habitat PF/QF Meeting Registration:
Names of Chapter Members attending ______________________________________
Number of people attending Feb. 11 Hospitality event (Free for Feb. 12 Registrants) ___
Number of people attending Feb. 12 Meeting ($25 includes lunch) ___
Number of people attending Feb. 12 Banquet ($25 Members) ___
Number of people attending Feb. 12 Banquet ($25 Member Spouse) ___
Number of people attending Feb. 12 Banquet ($60 Non-Member w/ choice of PF or QF
membership) ___
Make Registration Checks payable to Pheasants Forever and send to:
Jordan Martincich
1740 South Willow Street
Ottawa, KS 66067
The Kansas State Habitat Meeting is a Conservation Education Expense. Kansas chapters and encouraged to send numerous chapter members and sponsor local resource professionals!!!