Pad care?


Well-known member
As the season is nearing the end both dog and man are ready for some R&R. In all my years I’ve never had this much paw injury. Nicks and cuts and some paw butter have worked in the past, but this year this one just won’t heal. Is there a thorn in there he keeps trying to get out or is he constantly licking and reopening the wound? My fix was I got some booties coming to keep him from licking it and if it didn’t heal take him to the vet. Antibiotic spray and tuff pad and time? Not against the vet, just don’t wanna go if I don’t have to. Sand burrs this weekend didn’t help anything. Advice is welcome.
Yeah, R&R. You might help it dry and heal with some Epson salts but boots or not I've never been able to hunt a dog with that bad of pad. Ice and or rock will do that pretty quickly. Sometimes it just happens.
I had one similar to that this fall, though not quite as large. I got it dried out overnight by wrapping a fabric boot on the foot so she couldn't pull it off, then after it was dry to the touch used some new skin liquid bandage to build it up a bit more and provide a firm layer. New skin seems to wear off relatively quick, so I reapplied throughout the day when hunting and made her wear the boot. Looked no worse after the 2 days of hunting, and was healed up by the following weekend. Biggest thing is getting it clean and getting it dry.

I can't tell what is at the top of that wound, but as long as you don't visually see anything wrong with the wound then I'd treat it and go.
Yeah, R&R. You might help it dry and heal with some Epson salts but boots or not I've never been able to hunt a dog with that bad of pad. Ice and or rock will do that pretty quickly. Sometimes it just happens.
Agree with dude on epsom salt, it works wonders after a long day of dog boots.. I put an inch or two of water in my laundry sink with some salt and clean the feet. That one is ugly, don’t over season the water!
It didn’t look that way after the original injury. This wound stays ulcerated from constant irritation from licking. Keep clean from dirt or plant material, then antibiotic cream, telfa pad and wrap lightly. Protect with boot and don’t let your dog near it. It will heal.
I know none of us want to, but that injury requires a month off. Not doing so may cause it not to heal correctly. Dogs aren't like us, they don't quit. It's our job to rest them, I wouldn't hunt a dog with that injury til it's healed. Epsom salts, tuff foot, and rest will heal it fine without trip to vet. And I would crate the dog for a week.
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