Off to Ellendale

Well tomorrow starts our annual trip to the Ellendale area. This year brings two Dakota First timers, one in the prime shape of his life and one who is just started enjoying retirement. (Guess who gets to go get the truck at the other end of the field) Also we will be joined by a rookie GSP, one seasoned GSP and one pointing Lab. This year I will try video taping with the new Ion CamoCam, which mounts to the underside of the barrel. I like the Ion over the GoPro from what I've seen shooting clays. I will still carry the GoPro on a chest mount. Weather looks favorable...we've hunted in 11 degrees on this 20-30 should be great. Hoping to see some birds and get the "rookies" their first action on Dakota Pheasants.:cheers:
Ellendale report

How did you do--are there birds in that area?
sorry---found my answer in your other post
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