No car for saturday Hunt, have dog!


New member
So my wife needs the car on Saturday and I am stuck at home with my German Shorthair. With all this snow I am dying to get out there and kill some birds. Anyone want to drive out east for a hunt? I will of course split gas costs plus you get to hunt with a 4 year old experienced shorthair.

Shoot me a PM if interested.
So my wife needs the car on Saturday and I am stuck at home with my German Shorthair. With all this snow I am dying to get out there and kill some birds. Anyone want to drive out east for a hunt? I will of course split gas costs plus you get to hunt with a 4 year old experienced shorthair.

Shoot me a PM if interested.

Lol do what ? What do you mean no car? I would tell her get in the kitchen woman I am going hunting see ya old hag:D Maybe that's why I am single lol