New to Forum


New member
Hello all, My name is Andrew. I am from IA and recently moved to this state earlier this year. I have zero regrets. I live in Northern Colorado, I work at a brewery and part time snowboard instructor. My interests include, anything outdoors. Hunting, Snowboarding, backpacking, fishing, taking the pooch out. I have a 17 mo. old GSP named Ace, he sometimes shows his youth but it on the right track to being a great bird dog. Especially coming off such a successful season last year at a young age. I appreciate the community feel from the forums. Let me know how I can contribute, as I am a rookie with this. Feel free to ask any questions.

Thank you.

Welcome Andrew.

Pictures of your dog are nice things.

Mind some of us live vicariously, so adventures of others are always fun.

Nice to have you among us.:thumbsup: