Welcome! I think that you'll find a lot of good suggestions for your first hunt by browsing around here. But if you want a bit more than that it would be useful to know a bit about the cover that you are going to hunt on that farm. You mentioned pheasants and "upland" - do you mean that there are upland birds there other than pheasants? Do the owners hunt at all? Even if they don't they'll be your best resource to point you where to go. Second key point - will you have access to a bird dog? Not impossible if you don't, just very different advice if you'll be doing the flushing yourself! Other than that, do you have much experience wing shooting anything else? Ducks? Clay targets? If not I think that would be time well spent. If you can get out to shoot some sporting clays that'll help you a lot this fall. For pheasants, remember that they look like a four-foot long bird when they flush, but you hotta hit them in here front part to know me down! The most useful way to think of that is that the white ring on their neck is your target, and you lead that appropriately. If you still miss, most likely you need to lead them more!