New member from North Florida via Wisconsin 40+ years ago!


New member
Hello and I hope this finds all doing well. Looking forward to some advice on where to hunt in IA. I have had the opportunity to pheasant hunt a few times and prefer it to anyother hunting. Would love to have more opportunities to do more. I hear alot from some who have gone to different states, and would appreciate some local knowledge. Reaching 65 and about to retire (I think), I would like to make the most out of the hunt year opportunities I may have left. Thanks in advance and hope to learn alot from the boards experience.
Welcome huntdreamer, Iowa can change drastically year to year. Hang around here and you'll pick up some pointers. I hear there are still some wild quail in your area. A guy might have to dodge some gators though.
Welcome huntdreamer, Iowa can change drastically year to year. Hang around here and you'll pick up some pointers. I hear there are still some wild quail in your area. A guy might have to dodge some gators though.
birddude, Thanks for the response. I keep hoping and dreaming of another pheasant hunt with my buddies and son-in-laws. Keep me in mind if you hear of any combined - guide for a day or 2 and public for a day or 2 - opportunities. I like having some time with a guide to increase the possible success rate but don't mind walking open public land testing my own experience, success or failure.

As for the gators, well we do have plenty of those. One son-in law goes after them and has had good success. Now has several hides and alot of gator tail meat which is actually quite good. His last was an 11'8' beast.
I will do that. As it gets closer to season you will pick up some info from here. I wouldn't doubt if someone on here would fix you up.
Welcome to the forum! We have a couple shooting preserves in my area, but I am not aware of anyone nearby who guides for wild pheasants. Feel free to message me if you'd like. I'm certainly no expert, but I will help you out if I can.