Nesting and Hatchlings??


New member
Hello All,

Anyone observed any chicks yet? I have not seen a single brood during field work. It has been very very wet here in central Iowa and the creeks were out of their banks last week. I realize not all chicks are hatched in the creeks and waterways but the ditches cannot be an optimal place to attempt a hatch. Standing water for two weeks in the ditches in my area.

I have observed two hens with no chicks in the evening. I do hear crowing in morning and evening so I believe the roosters are continuing their due diligence.:D

Wondering what you all are seeing in other parts of the state?
Cool Conditions

Almost forgot to mention that in 40+ years of compiling journals and data Iowa has never experienced a decent hatch with the temperatures that we have been experiencing during the nesting season so far.

We have had nights in the upper 30's and low 40's that are currently only two days behind the worst nesting weather temperatures I have ever tracked--1981. If you recall 1982 was indeed a year to forget. My record for 2nd year and older birds harvested was in 1982.:(

51 degrees with steady rain and falling temps as I write this. At the end of this week the 1981 record should be exceeded for temps.

I believe this is why I am seeing only two hens in the late evening for brief periods of time. Hard to keep an egg at 103 degrees!
i havn't seen any pheasant lately. the goose hatch up here has been awful. most lost nest in the late snow. lots of pairs with no goslings. those that have goslings only have a couple left. turkeys must of lost nest also. after the heavy rains last week the hens were back with the toms the next day. dont have any baby rabbits either. doent look good:(:(
I wish I could argue

Hello BlackCloud,

I wish I could argue with you but you are spot on with your observations! I have spent the last two hours pouring over my notes and data from the early 80's. If I am correct and the weather patterns do not change, we are in for more disappointment come this fall.

I do not pursue rabbits so I cannot help you there. I have observed rabbit during field work but I always see rabbit during field work. I shared a cup of coffee with the local DNR officer this morning and he shared that even songbirds and other spring nesters are experiencing difficulties in Iowa this Spring. His only comfort and hope was that it is early enough for most to re-nest.

I so want something to go right for our birds in Iowa.
We have had the wettest spring in Iowa's history. I wonder if it wasn't the coldest also? Not good for the pheasant pop..
Almost forgot to mention that in 40+ years of compiling journals and data Iowa has never experienced a decent hatch with the temperatures that we have been experiencing during the nesting season so far.

We have had nights in the upper 30's and low 40's that are currently only two days behind the worst nesting weather temperatures I have ever tracked--1981. If you recall 1982 was indeed a year to forget. My record for 2nd year and older birds harvested was in 1982.:(

51 degrees with steady rain and falling temps as I write this. At the end of this week the 1981 record should be exceeded for temps.

I believe this is why I am seeing only two hens in the late evening for brief periods of time. Hard to keep an egg at 103 degrees!

I totally agree with your post. Same here in the NW corner also, wet and cold !