My lil sis is moving to Dodge

My little sister just got her first teaching job at the middle school in Dodge. I know some of you guys are from around there. I did not know if any of you had any info that would be helpful. She needs a place to rent etc. any info would be great.
I am out of touch with the rental market here in Dodge, but do know there has been a lot of units built recently, due to the housing shortage here with the increasing population.

If you have anything specific send me a PM. I can give some names that might be a starting point for things like agents, churches, etc.

Congratulations to her on her job.
Congrats to your sister. I have no advice since it has been 10 years since I did an internship in Dodge City when I was in college. There are times I regret not taking that job after graduation, I know I'd sure get a lot more pheasant hunting in than I do now.