Much needed weather


New member
I Know it's a long time between now and spring. It could turn out to be a tough winter. BUT. Comparing our weather to last year we have already shaved off a month of brutal winter. It might be we just won a battle and not the war, but it certainly can't hurt. Here's to a brown, warm Christmas. :cheers:
I Know it's a long time between now and spring. It could turn out to be a tough winter. BUT. Comparing our weather to last year we have already shaved off a month of brutal winter. It might be we just won a battle and not the war, but it certainly can't hurt. Here's to a brown, warm Christmas. :cheers:

Bah humbug I like fluffy white stuff
Those of us who live to hunt "the birds" couldn't agree with you more. The Farmer's Almanac predicts that January 12th will be the first measurable snow storm. We need mild winters and dry springs to turn our populations around. I also believe while we have "awareness of the problem" that our state legislature and natural resources need to provide solutions to our decline in habitat.

Hail also to a dry brown Christmas.
HaHa Cockrocker! You make me laugh. You are correct about spring hail. In 2008, we had a spring hailstorm that killed many "nesting hens" in a 3 mile wide strip of area where the crops were also decimated. I drove there and saw it firsthand for myself. No roosters, but several dead hens on nests at the time. As you and I know, the birds are constantly at the will of mother nature.
The weather's great but for the county I live in I don't think it will matter. After the snow I drove the county side no tracks or pheasants. When you hear stories like KBell's where there is 5 pheasants on 400 acres which has outstanding cover it doesn't add up. I know of a property where they harvest around 50 roosters a year and have shot 2 this year. I've hunted 40 acres of new crp that has 1 rooster and 1 hen. I've shot more pheasants on my travels than in this area.