MN CRP Wanted


Want about 200+ strong adult ring neck pheasants let go on your land in one weekend???? It works well. Carry over birds average from 2-3 hundred at the trial released from run offs dogs don't find and fly aways, missed birds etc. All deads and traps, extras are counted. So we know how many are released each trial. So if you allow our club to host a 2 day trial for spaniels you can reap the rewards. Every one is clean and friendly. Very safe and no rif raff. All gunning is by expert gun teams only and the club is insured. Never a incident. All our land owners have wanted us back to do it again. It is good for your local economy as well. Very low environmental impact. Shells are break open guns and they are put in the trash, not the field. The only thin is an ATV trail or path which the bird planter drives and the dog shuffler, spectators etc. follow on a set flag line. And the boost in birds on the area. If you don't think they live ask the other land owners we used. PM me if you have a field we might be able to use. Must be open cover, some broke up brush is fine and at least 40 or more acres. And can not run in Canada rye grass, it kills dogs. PM me or post back if your interested or know of a spot you can get us in and want a bunch of birds out there. Game farms are great as well. Our CRP in some areas has been plowed up and am having trouble locating nice grounds Rye free. Thanks

I don't have a field for your club to hold trials in, but I am interested in attending one. I run a 2yr old rescue springer and would like to watch a trial. What is the name of your club, and are spectators welcome? I am in Minneapolis and would like to see other springers work.
I don't have a field for your club to hold trials in, but I am interested in attending one. I run a 2yr old rescue springer and would like to watch a trial. What is the name of your club, and are spectators welcome? I am in Minneapolis and would like to see other springers work.

Absolutley. Love to have ya. And any one is welcome at training, and at trials. With out new people our sport would die. So come on out.:thumbsup::cheers: Right now they are over except the Nationals the next few weeks. But in MN there is 6 each year, and WI IA ND all have trials as well. We have several training groups in MN , And all would welcome you to come out. We train all winter as well if snow allows. It has to get bad like last year to stop us. Contact me on my site below and I will help ya out. Ken