mite try colorado b4 season ends?

hello guys down in colorado ive been thinking of heading down to eastern co se & ne parts of state would like a blue quail for the wall & get my dog on some more roosters b4 there is no wild bird options left this season... is this hunt do able or very slim chance to find either this
late in season??? i hunted NE last jan got on both quail & pheasants so i know it can be done lol

i see guys are still killing & seeing pheasants thats great im very curious on the blue quail are there guys still going after them or are only the die hards left hunting? i hope that is the case...

anybody maybe wanna try some new wia areas around the last wk of the season or jan. 25 - jan. 29 ish ??? i plan to hunt for cotton tops 2-3 day & pheasants 1-2 days i will most likely be solo or with my dad would be cool to maybe share a hunt 1 or 2 days...

i run a female small munsterlander that will be 4 in april she hunts close points & retrieves has hunted only wild birds... hunted pheasants bob white quail prairie chickens sharptail grouse ruffed grouse sage grouse & maybe 1 i forgot + waterfowl she not a rookie running wild hunts well with other dogs as well...

thanks for any tips or info u guys can pass along my way...
If I was coming from Minnesota, I would hunt Kansas rather than Colorado. Most of us that hunt Colorado hunt here because it's our backyard. If Kansas and Nebraska were the same distance from me and the same license cost, I wouldn't hunt Colorado. Kansas is closer to you. We don't have it bad here, but the public hunting options are far superior in Kansas. You will see more pressure on the public hunting areas in CO because they're within 2.5 hours of a metro area with 3 million people. The pheasant numbers are much better in KS as well. Scaled quail hunting in SW KS is about the same as SE Colorado.
i turkey hunt ks yearly & nebraska im looking for new scenery new state plus blue quail CO has daily hunt license at 15$ i rounded up that is cheaper then KS that has no daily license & NE that has a 2 day license at 70$-80$ did that last year.. .

nebraska would be my choice over kansas better pheasants forever pressence & more public lands managed for quail & pheasants then kansas ks is full of whia im not a fan of private lands leased for hunting its not there to manage wildlife but to make private land owners $$$ plus every other guy on the kansas thread says more quail then pheasants & we need 2-3 years to re bound etc. the guys in CO are saying im happy with bird #s etc. herd good things from NE so i have options i guess...

the distance away from MN dont bother me ill travel 14 hours for a scaled quail SW KS has them but across the CO border is in more a central core area for blue quail then SW KS is i know cimaron ntlgl has em but i hear more public land & quail habitat wia on the CO side???

all i hear on kansas is ur gonna have to work hard for ur birds if its the same in CO then its a horse a peace.... thank you for your thoughts dead pheasants forever much appreciated...
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hello guys down in colorado ive been thinking of heading down to eastern co se & ne parts of state would like a blue quail for the wall & get my dog on some more roosters b4 there is no wild bird options left this season... is this hunt do able or very slim chance to find either this
late in season??? i hunted NE last jan got on both quail & pheasants so i know it can be done lol

i see guys are still killing & seeing pheasants thats great im very curious on the blue quail are there guys still going after them or are only the die hards left hunting? i hope that is the case...

anybody maybe wanna try some new wia areas around the last wk of the season or jan. 25 - jan. 29 ish ??? i plan to hunt for cotton tops 2-3 day & pheasants 1-2 days i will most likely be solo or with my dad would be cool to maybe share a hunt 1 or 2 days...

i run a female small munsterlander that will be 4 in april she hunts close points & retrieves has hunted only wild birds... hunted pheasants bob white quail prairie chickens sharptail grouse ruffed grouse sage grouse & maybe 1 i forgot + waterfowl she not a rookie running wild hunts well with other dogs as well...

thanks for any tips or info u guys can pass along my way...

Message me if you want to go... I am famaliar with a lot of the walkins around Sterling CO.. I also own a great GSP named Freckles..Want to get some more days before season ends...
If I was coming from Minnesota, I would hunt Kansas rather than Colorado. Most of us that hunt Colorado hunt here because it's our backyard. If Kansas and Nebraska were the same distance from me and the same license cost, I wouldn't hunt Colorado. Kansas is closer to you. We don't have it bad here, but the public hunting options are far superior in Kansas. You will see more pressure on the public hunting areas in CO because they're within 2.5 hours of a metro area with 3 million people. The pheasant numbers are much better in KS as well. Scaled quail hunting in SW KS is about the same as SE Colorado.

had to check b4 i posted again lol we here in the metro area of mn have about 3 million population wise all with in 2.5-3 hours of our core & best pheasant numbers at least in mn & sd once snow fly & winter set in 80-85 % of hunters call it quits except on the warmest of days...

i never hunt close to town but later in season some of them areas get overlooked by guys thinking u gotta go farthest east or west in my case for best hunting but late season is not about limits its more about get n out to hunt b4 we cant till next year 1 nice point shot & retrieve a day im happy come dec./jan. some days we get a limit thats the adventure for me lol

i will keep in touch robstamina i gotta get my dog out again she ready i hope i can get down there im get n excited...
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i turkey hunt ks yearly & nebraska im looking for new scenery new state plus blue quail CO has daily hunt license at 15$ i rounded up that is cheaper then KS that has no daily license & NE that has a 2 day license at 70$-80$ did that last year.. .

nebraska would be my choice over kansas better pheasants forever pressence & more public lands managed for quail & pheasants then kansas ks is full of whia im not a fan of private lands leased for hunting its not there to manage wildlife but to make private land owners $$$ plus every other guy on the kansas thread says more quail then pheasants & we need 2-3 years to re bound etc. the guys in CO are saying im happy with bird #s etc. herd good things from NE so i have options i guess...

the distance away from MN dont bother me ill travel 14 hours for a scaled quail SW KS has them but across the CO border is in more a central core area for blue quail then SW KS is i know cimaron ntlgl has em but i hear more public land & quail habitat wia on the CO side???

all i hear on kansas is ur gonna have to work hard for ur birds if its the same in CO then its a horse a peace.... thank you for your thoughts dead pheasants forever much appreciated...

We don't have much state-owned public land either. All our "public" land is state-leased private land. It's the same program that Kansas has, except Kansas has way more of it.

We're happy with bird #s compared to the last 2-3 years, but they still have way more birds in Kansas. It may not seem that way because Kansans like to complain about their hunting more than we do. All our best pheasant hunting areas are within 60 miles of the Kansas and Nebraska borders, so our bird numbers pretty much track the bird numbers in SW NE and NW KS, except that ours are lower because we're on the fringe of good pheasant habitat. The guys that do well out here are mostly hunting private land. The few WIAs that we have really get pounded, even in late season, though there are a few productive ones that take a lot of scouting to find. I don't know any Kansans or Nebraskans that come to CO to hunt birds, but as many Coloradans drive to KS and NE to hunt birds as hunt in-state. They shoot our elk; we shoot their birds.

I don't target scaled quail, but I've never heard that we have more than SW KS. I know guys here who drive right through SE CO to hunt scalies in SW KS. I would also assume that they have more WIHAs for scalies in KS than we have WIAs in CO given that KS has a much bigger walk in program. You can compare the walk in maps online.

Here's an idea. You could try hunting SW Kansas for pheasants and scalies, then skip across the border to CO if you're not having any luck. It would only cost you an extra $15 for a license and a couple hour drive. I don't want to discourage you from coming here because you're more than welcome. I just don't hear of guys driving through NE and KS to hunt birds here very often.
You should go to Lamar, Co. There are tons of phez and blues down there. The budget inn on the south end of town is clean, comfortable, reasonable and caters to mutts :thumbsup:
had to check b4 i posted again lol we here in the metro area of mn have about 3 million population wise all with in 2.5-3 hours of our core & best pheasant numbers at least in mn & sd once snow fly & winter set in 80-85 % of hunters call it quits except on the warmest of days...

i never hunt close to town but later in season some of them areas get overlooked by guys thinking u gotta go farthest east or west in my case for best hunting but late season is not about limits its more about get n out to hunt b4 we cant till next year 1 nice point shot & retrieve a day im happy come dec./jan. some days we get a limit thats the adventure for me lol

i will keep in touch robstamina i gotta get my dog out again she ready i hope i can get down there im get n excited...

You have the right mind set going into a late season Colorado hunt. That's how I look at my late season hunts out here. Many days I've hunted hard all day with few opportunities for a shot on a pointed bird but it only takes one solid point and retrieve to be a success on many of my late season hunts.
Sorry for the long span between my last post I had a computer crash & stopped internet service then my phone breaks took almost 2 wks. To get a new phone after I got wrong phone 1st order!!!

My Colorado trip got canceled needless to say...

I appreciate the responses guys & offer to hunt robstamina I am sorry again rob for the lack of response... I will hunt Colorado next Jan no doubt

As for the scaled quail I've read way more story's outta Colorado & the use corner then outta ks & its sw corner??? Ks is on eastern edge of scaled quail range CO central...

I like the idea of CO hunters going to KS & leaving CO alone. I've met at least 5-7 guys from mn more online guys that say they don't hunt mn any longer due to no birds we just go to SD etc. Leaves me in mn with loads of late season birds I had just as good of hunts for 3 birds a day in mn as SD. A few times thousands more hunters & pressure on birds make for hard hunts ks sound like hard hunting.

Thanks again guys for the help