Mitchell area advice sought


New member

I'll be hunting alone with my 2 yr old lab in the Mitchell area this coming Thursday (Oct 29th) Thru Sunday. I haven't hunted in SD in 12 years and have never hunted in this area. All other hunts have been farther north.

Any advice on which direction to go? I'll be hunting public land only unless I have success talking with landowners.

Thanks for your time.
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I have hunted that area the past several years with mixed success on publics. I dont think there is a right or wrong direction to go. I would look for groupings of some of the smaller publics and head in that direction and find some that look good for you and your dog. It will probably be a matter of putting some miles under your boots, and you will find birds. Just kinda seems hit and miss for me , guess thats why they call it hunting.
Mitchell area hunting

Thanks for the advice. I ended up hunting northeast of Mitchell approx. 20 miles and ultimately could have had my limit had I not missed a few birds. I brought home 7 after 3 days of hunting. I walked some minimum maintenance rd ditches and picked a few CREP spots. Weather was great on Thursday, rainy half the day on Friday, warm and VERY windy on Saturday (almost impossible until 5:30 pm).

For those interested, there are birds but not as many as I have seen during previous hunts in SD. It took work to get flushes.