Lyme Disease


New member
Just wondering if anyone on here has ever suffered from Lyme Disease. I got in to some ticks at the end of September, and since early October, I've been battling a strange set of symptoms that haven't been explained by bloodwork yet. I do not recall being bit by a tick. But, there could have been some I didn't remove in places I couldn't see. I never saw the characteristic bulls eye rash. But, I've got a lot of the symptoms that go hand in hand with Lyme Disease - I'm just waiting for my Lyme serology to come back (could be waiting a couple more weeks).

My symptoms include:
Incredible fatigue
Near-constant low-grade fever
Swelling and pain in my fingers
Pain and stiffness in my knees
Nagging cough/need to clear my throat
Shortness of breath
Occasional nausea
Nigh sweats

These symptoms wax and wane - only the fatigue is constant.

Anyone familiar with this?
The deer tick that carries

Lyme's Disease can also be carrying the Anaplasmosis (Erlichia) bug.
The deer tick is so small you may not even notice it if the tick is
in either an unmentionable or akward place. If you are getting bloodwork done that is a start. Your symptoms sound suspiciously like Lyme's.

Good Luck.
In this area, anyone going to the clinic with symptoms of Lyme, they go on immediate antibiotics. Your doctor should not wait for bloodwork.
But maybe Lyme disease is not common in your area. Central and Northern MN it is very common.
In this area, anyone going to the clinic with symptoms of Lyme, they go on immediate antibiotics. Your doctor should not wait for bloodwork.
But maybe Lyme disease is not common in your area. Central and Northern MN it is very common.

My doctor didn't suspect Lyme because I never saw the bulls eye rash. But, it could have been somewhere awkward to see... and I know I got into ticks because I brushed three or four off of my arms. Lyme isn't overly prevalent here in New Brunswick, but reported cases are on the rise. The bloodwork for Lyme isn't overly reliable either... a lot of false negatives. If the rest of my bloodwork comes back normal, and the Lyme comes back negative - I'm going to ask my Dr. to treat for Lyme and see if I start feeling better... I could come back seronegative because I was recently on two courses of antibiotics for pneumonia... I guess it's going to be a wait and see... which really sucks, because I want my life back!
Respectfully requesting antibiotics in place of asking the doctor may be required. MDs are under the impression that antibiotics are overused (can be the case for upper respiratory infections), but the consequences of lymes disease is not worth not being on antibiotics. Until we have a human vaccination, the outdoor people are stuck ramming against the antibiotic overuse idea to protect themselves from the devistation of lymes disease. Your symptoms are certainly suspicious; I have been bit by a deer tick without a bullseye rash forming so... antibiotics please! Good luck with your Canadian health system.