Lost Shotgun


New member
Accidentally left my 12-gauge Browning pump shotgun in the grass at the Snowy Dam state game production area parking lot, about 19 miles northeast of Winner, South Dakota on Wednesday Nov 7. Drove back to get it a short while later and it was gone. Inscribed "1988 Pheasants Forever." Have been using this gun for 24 years, ever since I started pheasant hunting – lots of sentimental value. If you found this gun, please do the right thing and contact me at 239-540-4195, or email me at jdt@jdthomas.com. I would very, very much appreciate it!

You know really its a shame that ppl have to take others stuff.I work in a prison and stuff is stolen all the time....sadly enough its not the inmates but fellow staff. Didnt anyones parents teach them to value others belongings?? Sorry to hear of your loss.

So sorry to hear that. I left a prized .22 on the ground after doing some plinking last year and never saw it again. Still sad. I loved that gun, and it sounds like you had a special place in your heart for yours, too. Good luck.

You may want to contact a few of the outfitters up there. People talk and you never know.