Looking for one more trip to SD Any Takers?


New member
Hey everyone. Looking to come back to SD for one last trip this year. Driving in from Ohio. Wondering if anyone in route from Ohio, (Indiana, Illinoise,Iowa, Wisconsin, Minn., etc-flexible travel plan), might be interested in hooking up and spllitting some of the cost. I am somewhat flexible on the dates. I was out near Chamberlain last week and have lodging, hunting land, dogs, and all provisions set up for a really cheap price. Saw several hundred birds in my 4-day hunt last trip.

Or, I am open to hunting public land if someone just wants to do that.

Just looking to get in one final trip before 2009-2010 season is over. Being able to cut costs with other ethical like minded hunters will make that possible. If interested, please send me a message and I will call you. Anyone local in SD, I am open to meeting up for some great hunting.

Thanks for your consideration.