Looking for a place to rent-secluded house-Quail country


New member

I am searching for a house to rent for 1-2 weeks in November (Quail opener).

I bring a trailer full of dogs to work, so staying at a hotel or in town is out of the question. I don't like to worry about the occasional barking bothering anyone! Prefer the middle of nowhere and near decent quail hunting/WIHA areas.

I don't need anything fancy at all. I am very clean and pick up after the dogs. The dogs stay in the dog trailer and do not need to be inside (although if there was an injury or something, it would be nice if I was allowed to bring one inside...).

I am only interested in hunting quail (a prairie chicken would be nice, too). I am sure if I happen across a pheasant, it would be fine, but I live to quail hunt. I am not the best shot, so will not be hurting any populations. I am coming for the experience and to work the dogs on quail. I am not about killing as many birds as I can, etc. Getting the dogs into them is the goal.

Thanks for any contacts, ideas, etc.