Last grouse hunt of the season


Active member
Big game season will take up the next few weeks and then November 10th will come streaking up and we'll be off to slay dragons. So this was most likely my last outing this year for grouse.
Figured I would go close to home again. Walked a few miles then ran into a quick double. Gun open no shells in the chambers walked in to pick up the closest bird while the dog was retrieving the second bird. Three more explode off the ground and flapped away unharmed..... Should know better but ah well it is hunting afterall........

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Well Retrvrman last time you'll see my lab this year with grouse... Maybe?? LOL...
Or the next time you see him he'll be looking over pheasants.
Alright, now I know they are pen raised!!!!!!!!! Who sells them??? Greg will probably buy a few!!! Need to change your name to GrouseSlayer or MountainChicken!!!!! :10sign: Your dog has had a great training camp!!!! Thanks for sharing!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::cheers:
Chad, thanks for the support brother. That's what I have been saying all this time!! :confused::p

Yeah, I want to see that big ole black dog out on the plains chasing roosters. :thumbsup:

I will be sharing some pics with y'all as well when we run into some ringnecks....the grousemaster won't be the only one with pics of pheasants, luckily they are a little more spreadout. :D

Okay boys... I'll confess... They are pen raised and I buy them from this old Indian shaman in Chivington who lives behind the old sevice station... HAHAHA!!!!! If you've been through that town you'll know where I mean...

We'll be out there chasing roosters on the plains that is for sure.... He'll get after them and I'll post some pictures for you....

I expect to see some roosters posted on these pages... Might be a tough year but a tough year is better than not getting out due to crappy reports. There are certainly other birds to chase if not pheasants..

Just a primer to show my dog knows what roosters look like....
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