Julie Knutson seminar


This Saturday at 8:00 am at Gun Club Labs in Orchard -

This day-long event will outline the test criteria for each stake, CP, APR and MPR. We will go over the details of interpreting the rules, how to use available terrain to accomplish test objectives and how to evaluate dog performances. This will also be highly useful to handlers so they can clearly understand judges expectations and how to prepare for the stakes they plan to run. Any judges interesting in learning how to be better judges, how to deal with the unexpected and how to do the best job possible - this is the place to get your questions addressed. And handlers, this may be the most helpful activity to make sure you are ready for the spring tests. Come join the RMPLC and be ready for the season! Event details and admission are available on the Rocky Mountain Pointing Lab Club Facebook page or you can contact me here for any questions.

RMPLC members $65 - Non Members $100