It's time again

Time to look in the mirror and figure out if you're just a killer of animals or a guy that like to give back to mother nature. What have you guys and gals done to help the feathered friends and done to get rid of the furry ones:) Have you improved some habitat? Gave to DU or pheasants forever?
Well I'll start with the furry ones. Nothing like a fox pro building spot is free of coon (ratcoon that is:D) and my rabbits are happy:thumbsup: Now I have to wait until fur season so I can get them out of the river bottom. I built some woodduck houses and they worked great. Going to build more next year. Mallard houses didn't work to good 70 mph wind was bad:( I think I got a design problem. And my 20 acres of CRP is a work in progress. That native grass is none to fast at growing got alot of weeds though. But over all I'm happy with what I've done to help Mr. pheasant and duck.
Good work Coot! Hey! nothing wrong with a good patch of weeds as far as pheasant habitat is concerned.
You ought to see my corm/soybean plot:eek:
I had a nice batch of wood ducks in one of the new nests. :)
2 pair of Trumpeters with 8 half grown young, on the ranch ponds.
Nice to have the swans but boy!!!! are they ever hard on the geese:eek:

I feel good about spending over $1000 on my Montana licenses and permits so far:eek: Suppose they put $$$ to good use?:confused:

Speaking of 1000, check out my post count.
Lets see, I continue to work on the CRP and added a new 20 acre food plot this year and the new 18 acre flooded cropland CRP will be huntable this fall. This will bring my total CRP and food plot acres to near 150 acres.

I sit on the board of directors for my local Pheasant Foverever Chapter and just started working with the local Ducks Unlimited Group. I always help whenever they need someone to sit in a booth or meet the public at an event.

New for me this year is working with the South Dakota Youth Adventures a group of the local sportsmen clubs that help provide a chance for young people to go on a mentored hunt, last year we provided this chance to 0ver 50 kids and the goal this year is 75--great program
Congrats Wayne, 1000 posts is hard to do, the second 1000 will be easier.........Bob
You are right Coot, those with over 1000 post are very few and far between. When think a few MEMBERS like Zeb and I have over 2000, (FCSpringer) Ken has over 3000. Well I'll let you give members like us a name.......Bob
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Nice job guys:thumbsup: Wow A 1000 post thats alot of BSing MnMT:D Looks like everyone else just likes to kill:(

Coot! not even a little bit of BS in my posts.:eek::cheers:
I just got the letter from Ducks Unlimited. Time to pay up again, or I suppose I could just buy a new dozen decoys and get another year.