Is there any Pheasant in CO?


New member
I'm decently new to this state, I have a GSP and would like to get him on some birds. I have done some research and asked around a lot, mostly came up short. I went to Tamarack Ranch today in Logan County and only saw some quail. Any tips on where I can find some roosters will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Logan county isnt a bad place to start. I would say just grab a walk in atlas and start driving to the different walk in areas and checking them out. If that dosent work than go East.

Welcome to the forum. Might consider going to the introduction page and introducing yourself.

Good luck. Its not easy but there are 1-2 birds out there.
Just FYI, coming on here right at the start of pheasant season won't get you curious said, you have to establish a rapport. There are to many lurkers and guys looking for just places to hunt that do not contribute anything to the forum.

Before you get pissed off at me, please understand that I am not saying that you are one of those, however I like many guys on here, do not know you from Adam. I have met a couple of guys and hunted with them from this forum. They are good peeps.....

Grab the WIHA, trust land map and go from there.....good luck,

The further you go north and east the more birds you will find. I hunted around Yuma this weekend and saw plenty of birds. Unfortunately for me, I was a chick magnet this week. Nothing but hens in my range!:cheers:
Yea, numbers seem to be up this year a good bit. The cover looked great out there. I was starting to think that ankle high cover was the norm.

The walk in atlas Fitz really is the way to go. I haven't found one particular spot that really produces more than others. Just when I think I have a honey hole, the next year it's a barren wasteland. Just drive around, enjoy the scenery and put some miles on the boots. Welcome to the forum!
Cheyenne wells

I was in Cheyenne wells yesterday and today with a small group but no dogs. Worked early and late Sat and mid-day today. Unfortunately, I think the drought has hurt the population there. We didn't see a rooster, and we were in fields that have always had birds in the past. Maybe it's been too warm...
They got hail out by Cheyenne Wells this summer, too. And even if they have some cover this year, last year it was a desert out that way. It'll come back though... I hunted six fields north and south of Stratton/Siebert/Vona and saw four roosters together in one field. Was able to get one. Didn't see a bird in any other field. Also, these roosters were second-year birds, an indication that production was poor last year (as we know). I did not see a hen...still good to get out and let my dog work.
That's true. I saw a lot of farm trucks with damage, and was told about broken tractor windshields. Plus, no dogs. Saw a lot of tracks, so I know they're there, but couldn't stomp them out.
Hunted private property near Holyoke this weekend. Not quite as good as three years ago, but lots of birds. Seemed to be a large amount of hens that should produce some good clutches next spring. Saw one monster mule deer buck that just about ran me over in the CRP.
I definitely don't mind putting miles on my car or boots! I'm just happy getting the pup out.. Also for any deer hunters, when I was at Tamarack ranch over the weekend, I saw a very nice white tail, at least 10 points, awesome spread. I also saw this same deer 3 times that day.
There are 3 less after this weekend :) but they seem to be really hit and miss. Of all the birds I saw all but one where in the same field. The rest of the WIA I hit and I hit a lot I saw no birds.
Welcome to the forum!

The advice to get the walk-in maps for CO is good. You can also read the CO pheasant forecast which can be found on the national Pheasants Forever website - look for the Forecast link (this forecast generally comes from the CO Division of Parks & Wildlife upland biologist).

While the walk-in areas are good places to start do not hesitate to ask landowners for permission if you see other good areas. Sometimes they will grant permission as the season progresses. The worst that can happen is they say no but then they might say yes....

Although the pheasant population is still down considerably throughout this region, you might consider hunting western Nebraska and/or Kansas. Some years these neighboring states offer terrific upland hunting and the western parts are not that bad of a drive.

Good luck
I definitely don't mind putting miles on my car or boots! I'm just happy getting the pup out.. Also for any deer hunters, when I was at Tamarack ranch over the weekend, I saw a very nice white tail, at least 10 points, awesome spread. I also saw this same deer 3 times that day.

With all the armed internet trollers that will be after him now, that buck is going to feel like Osama Bin Laden!