is the coot mad at me


New member
i'm worried guys the coot wont talk to me. have tried calling him and he doesnt answer his phone. was talking to our mom on the phone and i could here him in background yelling TELL HIM TO QUIT CALLING. what could i have possibly done to him to be shunned like this:( i'm scared guys. i will be at the farm tommorow for our nieces confirmation and i'm sure cootie will be there, he never passes up a free meal. do you think he is up to something?? do you think i deserve this kind of treatment:rolleyes:
holy schitz, cloud . . . I had no clue you & coot were related. I'm sorry . . . on the other hand, your Mom is a tough woman, indeed.
BC, I'd probably be a little nervous. With this cold snap, Coot's probably had time to think, and we all know what that leads to. :eek::D
i didnt take any chances sunday. i left my dog clyde at home. hard telling what the evil capt coot would do to a sweet innocent dog like mine. especially after i painted a target on his bulls $$:rolleyes: