I Screwed Up


New member
Well, here it is, less than two weeks until I hit the fields for the first time for pheasant this year, and I take a tumble down the stairs and break my wrist. Got a pretty blaze orange cast out of it, and one heck of a headache. I'm not going to let the cast ruin my hunt - I'm not canceling, but it certainly is annoying. I've only had it on for four days, and I've got up to six weeks to enjoy it... I might just chew the darn thing off, or let my Brittany gnaw on it for a while. To boot, September 22nd marks the beginning of our 3 day moose season here in NB, and I've got my designate license to accompany a buddy. My Doc says under absolutely no circumstances am I allowed to shoot while my wrist heals... I say 'NONSENSE'. If I don't hunt, I'll go crazy...er.
i tore 3 ligamints in my ankle once while hunting. i was chasing a winged pheasant and didnt want to shoot it again. just as i was at full speed and reaching down to catch it i stepped in a fox hole. OWWWWWW. i fell on the pheasant and killed it. tried deer hunting in a air cast that winter. had one very COLD and SORE ankle :( good luck
Way to tough it out:thumbsup: To bad blackcloud didn't tear a ligament in his mouth:D The story he had how tough he was. I'm the one that carried him 3 miles uphill in a blizzard him crying all the way about the pain:p I'm ure thats how it went:)
Way to tough it out:thumbsup: To bad blackcloud didn't tear a ligament in his mouth:D The story he had how tough he was. I'm the one that carried him 3 miles uphill in a blizzard him crying all the way about the pain:p I'm ure thats how it went:)

hey coot the recoil from your daisy red ryder bb gun must have shook your brain up again thats not how the story went