I must be nuts!


New member
I had the opportunity and time to get in some bird hunting this afternoon so I went for it. Traveled north to Cerro Gordo county and hunted west of Mason City and north of Clear Lake on public land.

Sophie and I hit the grass--or it hit us with 20 to 30 mph---and the first point of the day yielded a rooster. I popped him on a crossing right to left shot. We could not find him. I marked the spot--circle patterned my way out from out to no avail. Hate it but it happens. I decided he would be part of the bag today and continued on. Our next five points yielded hens. There were sitting tight and we were forced to work into the wind. Impossible for Sophie to scent any other way. The next flush was wild and to my left. He decided to cross left to right and became bird two for the bag today.:) At the shot I noticed four other birds flush and land to the right of us. We marched onward.

Working this section yielded zero points. A check of the snow proved they were running. I placed my wager on a slight side hill out of the direct wind. As Sophie and I approached a hen flushed wild. Our next two points--yielded hens. I could see fresh tracks and decided to follow. The tracks meandered through to the edge. I followed one hundred or so feet into the picked corn field then down thirty five to forty yards and then back into the cover. And we wonder why we sometimes don't see the birds:rolleyes:!

This first public piece yielded four rooster sightings and 11 hens.

Stopping at the next public parcel provided no human tracks even though one day had passed since the snow. Our first walk along the western edge provided no points but many tracks observed in the snow. Turning to the east provided a cattail patch and Sophie went to point. The release provided a runner which went to my left. After a mad scramble bird three was in the bag. Sophie and I worked the other two edges of this parcel and had several points. The first two were of course roosters. In this piece we saw flushed eight roosters and 13 hens.

I did not see another hunter all day. More proof that I am possibly nuts!:D

My recollection is that 5 of the 12 roosters today were older birds. The two in bag and one lost were early hatch this year. Proof we still have birds of the year to be had.

Returning home for a date with the grinder tomorrow. Wind is only to be 5-8 mph tomorrow. Will post how it goes.
Not many things cause you to forge onward in a positive manner than tracks in the snow. Nice report..
Good to read! You've offered the encouragement needed to head out this afternoon! Just me and Gunner. I'll report back.