Hungarian Partrige


Well-known member
Didn't KS try to introduce some huns or sharptails somwhere in the NW part of the state a few years ago?

Anyone know why a hun would not do well in KS. Place like the flinthills or NW KS I would think would be ideal.
From what I have read huns live most of their lives in open crop fields. Much of the Flint Hills I don't believe would have the crop fields to keep the huns around. I would think anywhere in Kansas where they grow milo or corn would be adequate habit to support huns. I would think the milder winter weather (usually) would be helpful to their survival as well. Maybe it gets too hot down there in the summer.
Huns like it dry. The cold doesn't bother them to much. Mainly to the north and west in US and also in Canada. There is a few around SW Iowa, I might see 1-2 birds per year.
I remember reading that KDWP had stocked sharptails in some places. I don't think they survived as well as hoped...
I'd think that western and NW KS would be ideal for huns. Its dry or drier out there than it is in eastern KS. I've never hunted them but I hear it is fun and they are great on the table.