How do they pick closing day.

How do they choose the last day is season? It seems like it jumps around every year and I can't figure it out. Seems like it's not on a weekend very often.
Its on Jan 1. Regardless of what day of the week it is.

When I was younger, it actually ended around the middle of December. They extended it to Jan 1 only in the past 15 years or so. The year they extended it to Jan 1, they also increased the bag limit from 2 to 3 in December.
Its on Jan 1. Regardless of what day of the week it is.

When I was younger, it actually ended around the middle of December. They extended it to Jan 1 only in the past 15 years or so. The year they extended it to Jan 1, they also increased the bag limit from 2 to 3 in December.
This is incorrect. I found a few different years when it closes on the 2nd. I think if the first is on a Saturday, then they keep it open the next day.
Season dates (including opener and closing date) aren't chosen each year--they're determined by the established rule. See below, which is what Limitless already said.


Subpart 1. Open season. Only cock (male) pheasants may be taken by firearm or bow and arrow from the Saturday on or nearest October 13 to January 1, except when January 1 is a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, the season closes the following Sunday. Shooting hours are from 9:00 a.m. to sunset each day.