how do i get my pup out in front of me


New member
my 4 month old lab pup is following training to a t but out in field or just walking around the nieghborhood dog wont leave my side even zig zags back and forth like he would in field but is constitly at my feet is this due to lack of socializing, what can i do to keep him in front of me conidering putting leash on the end of a pole to put him in front of me. he's never pulled or even put pressure on his leash what do i need to do?

Well let me start by saying no, you do not have to put a pole on your dog. You just need to establish a solid 1/4ing program. You also need some paitence, he is only 4 months old. But it is time to get started, don't worry you have not missed the bus. I will give you a hand if you like.
Go for walks everyday in weeds around ditches, he will start to explore smells, Then i would plant some birds for him and walk him by them. let him get them up, I like to get the fire burning in the young dogs by putting a bird on a pole and letting them catch it, Once they get that taste it is like a drug to them, Then i start easing in the words hunt um up, You can also put them on a Check cord and run them in front of you and move them back and forth as you go, but i wouldnt do that until he has really bonded to you with the walks first IMO.
Take walks/runs in a field or other safe area (no vehicle traffic) and no matter where pup goes get behind him, I mean if he walks behind you, wheel around quickly so he is in front of you, wherever he turns you spin or step so he is in front of you, do this on all your walks/runs for awhile, he will get the message pretty soon! I also added a silent command of pointing forward of me with my hand and arm extended while doing this, now I just point as a reminder and he goes! My dog is a pointer, you can modify the silent command or do away with it depending on how/type of hunting you will be doing!
IMO, give it some time and experience with getting into cover. My golden had her first year this year and with some training at home on quail, I got her in the game of finding birds in my field. We then went on our first trip - grouse and woodcock in cover that was quite different from what she had seen at home. At the start, she stayed right by me and I gave myself credit for the flushes the first day. Once some birds got up and were put down for her to retrieve, the light clicked and she realized what we were there for. On day 2 she was searching into cover for birds and them up on her own. On day three I had to start making an actual effort to keep her reigned in so birds were flying in range.

With experience comes confidence, and with that she'll learn to get out in front to hunt through the cover.
My GSP pup did the same thing at 3 to 4 months didnt puul didnt run and now she is 6 almost 7 months. as soon as you open that door she is a bullet but only goes 15 yards out just give it time your pup has to get confortable without dad being right there. like the other guys said get him somewhere where he can run free with lost of different smells to get him interested.
Young Dog Needs Time

In due time your dog will go out front. It's just a pup and does not yet have the confidence to leave your side and go to the front. It will. Be patient.