Houston 2-3 Sept - NRA confab


Active member
Any one planning to attend this year's NRA annual convention in Houston? I've never attended despite being a long time life member (and more), but had thought this might be the year to show up given the major management and leadership challenges being experienced to the detriment of the cause. Not that merely being there would do much to get past the complex maze of legal and bureaucratic moats built around those who seem to be the root source of these problems - but sometimes direct engagement can help, if anyone at the top is paying attention.

Unfortunately, the much delayed meeting has been scheduled to bump right up against opening day of the dove opener in most states. Not sure a lot of thought went into that, unless the actual intent was to reduce attendance by what may be the components most likely to insist on stronger leadership. I've raised the scheduling issue at fairly senior levels, but not holding my breath for a meaningful response.