House from hell

Yes I've been thinking again:eek: And I wanted to make a better hen house for mallards. They should love it and best of all it only costed me a 10 ft chunk of rebar. Heres what I did cut and old pellet in half put a thin chunk of plywood for a floor. cut 2 5ft rebars and bent them like a machine shed. Drilled holes in pallet to put the rebar in and wrapped chicken wire around it Filled with corn stalks. looks like a muskrat mound. Nice and roomy for hen mallard:thumbsup: They been circling the barn all day long getting a look at the awesome duck producing factory. Will put it out monday when its froze. Ez to service to:thumbsup: I might even take :coolpics: and try to post them.
Wow It took 20 minutes for a hen to find it:thumbsup: Went up to get the woodduck house and when I came back a Hen was sitting in it and 5 mallards below it. Thats more success then DU had in 40 years:eek: See one guy trying does more then a dinner and raffles.