Hopefully a future hunter


Active member
This weekend we invited my hunting partners 12 y/o grandson out on a hunt. He has never been on something like this but was eager to go.
He did great all weekend. We covered about 17 miles, saw a lot of wildlife, and he got to almost step on a rooster that I promptly put on the ground. Spent time out with the guys away from TV and media(I only have 4 channels at my place in KS and no internet). Got to see the dogs in action along with his grandfather killing pheasants. Overall he had a great time and I think he is hooked. Now comes the fun part teaching him how to shoot. He got to fire a gun for the first time this weekend and was really excited about it.

Even with the snow the birds were still running. We found very few that were bunched up. Started going out a little later and hitting the grassy areas after 9am instead of being out at o'dark thirty. Seems we saw more birds that way even in heavier cover. Only able to put three on the ground all weekend but we spent a lot of time talking and showing our future hunter around. Not our normal silent/hand signal field drills. The birds probably heard us coming when we left the truck.


http://s755.photobucket.com/user/uplandhunter67/media/FullSizeRender 5_zpsmgnjk5yd.jpg.html

Have to have the dogs in there too....

Going back out on Friday... Back to the hard core ways...:)
Way to inspire the next generation! I was out Saturday/Sunday and had a bunch running & flushing wildly. The dog was a bit frustrated, but less so when I put a couple on the ground for him to find. Hoping to get out during a snowstorm the next few weeks...
This weekend we invited my hunting partners 12 y/o grandson out on a hunt. He has never been on something like this but was eager to go.
He did great all weekend. We covered about 17 miles, saw a lot of wildlife, and he got to almost step on a rooster that I promptly put on the ground. Spent time out with the guys away from TV and media(I only have 4 channels at my place in KS and no internet). Got to see the dogs in action along with his grandfather killing pheasants. Overall he had a great time and I think he is hooked. Now comes the fun part teaching him how to shoot. He got to fire a gun for the first time this weekend and was really excited about it.

Even with the snow the birds were still running. We found very few that were bunched up. Started going out a little later and hitting the grassy areas after 9am instead of being out at o'dark thirty. Seems we saw more birds that way even in heavier cover. Only able to put three on the ground all weekend but we spent a lot of time talking and showing our future hunter around. Not our normal silent/hand signal field drills. The birds probably heard us coming when we left the truck.


http://s755.photobucket.com/user/uplandhunter67/media/FullSizeRender 5_zpsmgnjk5yd.jpg.html

Have to have the dogs in there too....

Going back out on Friday... Back to the hard core ways...:)

Well done - I love the pictures of your grandson. Way to get him hooked early.

I am focused on getting my 12 year old in the field next fall. We had a minor setback with hunter's safety this fall as he broke his arm in a soccer game in Vegas in October. We will do the online course, then the practical this spring.

This is important as I want my sons to eventually be my hunting partner.
I started off as my Dad's bird dog then graduated to a hunting apprentice when I turned 12. I was my Dad's constant hunting companion. When I got my drivers license at 16 is when I started stretching my own legs and my Dad and I still hunted together but not as much as I did alone. As I grew older the time I spent hunting with my Dad was true quality time but I still spent more time hunting by myself.
When I hunt I remember all the thing my Dad taught me and all the things he shared with me. I owe it to him for introducing me to my life long passion.

Maybe Tyler will feel the same passion....