Holyoke deer


Going to use my 7 non-resident deer points for a unit 98 rifle tag this fall. I've already got 2 land owners who are going to help me get a deer. We saw several nice bucks in the CRP while pheasant hunting last fall. Anyone else ever hunted out there before? I'll be hunting the edge of the Sandhills.
Been a while but yes. It was the later season when the crops were out. I did not shoot one. My buddy did shoot a small 4 pointer. There were several bucks with some does in a group hidden in the tumble weeds in a fenceline. I had a shot at a large one but could not see my buddy so I didn't shoot. I stood up and they all took off towards where I dropped him off except the big one took off in a different direction. The big deer was a narrow tall non typical with at least 8-10 points per side. Good luck!