holiday shopping


New member
i hate holiday shopping. too many people in stores. i actually went shopping for my self tonight. decided it was time to clean up my image a little for the holidays. needed a new pair of dress shoes. well one of my hunting buddies works in a clothing store and told me about a big sale they were having. so i went there to help him out. what a place they had wine,cheese,fruit and crakers. free even!!! i didnt really fit in. i had a dirty work jacket on and old faded riped jeans that should of been washed last week. they even had a couple playing the guitar and singing christmas carols to put you in the shopping mood. lots of people in fancy clothes there. my buddy and his boss approach me and say hello how can we help you. i said its time to clean my image up. would you be interested in some new pants or a shirt. no thank you i want to start at the bottom and just get a new pair of shoes tonight. . nearby people that heard that started to look at me strange. then i was asked are you sure thats all you want? i said hell yea i only want to clean up a little at a time its not like i'm in the witness protection plan and need to change my image all at once!!!!!!! i thought the poor guy playing the guitar was going to lose it when he heard that.:rolleyes: after i paid the bill i have a feeling the food must of been figured in the price of the shoes.
Sounds like the rest of the folks there were pretentious, grossly-overdressed, and have absolutely NO sense of style. We'd do well together, BC, but then again, we may also get arrested and Lord knows that Cootie wouldn't post bail . . .
FREE FOOD why didn't you tell me. What kind of clothing store is it? If they ain't selling chickens and ducks,rabbits in the store I don't buy cloths:)
I don't buy cloths

Gawd, Cootie . . . no cloths? A nekkid cootie? I'm gouging my eyes out lessen' I might have to see that! Damn . . . and I just ate breakfast, Whoops . . . gotta run . . .