Help with hunting time???


New member
I know you guys are probably all hunting this weekend as I was to but kind of ran into a problem. Although, I did see some birds, 4 hens 2 roosters and a covey of quail, I didnt see as many birds as I expected. I hunted the corners and tree rows of two cut circles, they were in corn. What is the best tim eto hunt them?

Today was actually my first time ever hunting wild birds behind a dog and we just didn't see as many birds as a I expected. I feel like I didn't do the dog justice because I didn't put him on area that had birds. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated. Thanks guys and I hope your opener went well!
As a rule of thumb, the birds come off the roost about daybreak and go into the feed. After a few hours of feeding they go rest, loaf, etc. This will be in the weeds, brush, etc. However, if there is some weedy stubble they may stay there all day. Middle of the afternoon they move out into the feed again and go back to roost about dark. Now, this is subject to lots of exceptions, like the weather, hunting pressure, cut or uncut grain, blah blah. This is more or less the normal routine before the season starts. They are homers. If they grew up in a certain spot that is where their comfort zone. No different than you or me. Once the shooting starts, weather changes, whatever they may have to change to survive. As the season goes and the weather gets more severe thay have to seek more shelter. Goes without saying this is what makes it interesting trying to figure them out. And the smart ones stay one step ahead so they will live to run and hide another day.