Help for the rookie

Looks like I'm on my own this year. Does anyone have some suggestions on where to go? I'm pretty much limited to the PLOTS guide, as I've had no time to go knocking on farmers' doors this year. I'm looking at the SW section of the state. Can anyone help me narrow it down?
pretty much anywhere south of 94 you will find birds starting at about Valley city and west of there, the further West you go the more birds you find. But the further west you go the harder it is too find places to hunt.

if you hunt North of 94, the western part of the state is usually best, not sure what the oil has done to hunting in the western part of state.

SW part of the state has by far the best numbers. but is the hardest to find hunting land.

where do you live? and are there pheasants around where you live? if there are pheasants and plots land where you live, I would go there. since scouting is much easier there.

I live in williston. I've scouted around here a bit, but have not really seen too much that impressed me. I used to live in Watford City where not a day went by without seeing a rooster, but up here in williston, it's very hit and miss, with more misses than hits...
The oil really doesn't seem to bother the birds much... in fact in Watford, I've seen them congregate around the flare stacks in the winter. Pretty cool to see actually.
I have had some buddies hunt up near Williston and they did ok. Might of been 5 years ago.

I know Dickinson is better, I just know when you get down by Hettinger Mott Regent area. birds everywhere, but so are the hunters.

If you are hunting that first week, You will have the advantage of no outstate hunters on public land the first week.
non residents can hunt private or fed lands on opener just not state or plots lands... i was gonna hunt opener wk last year to avoid non residents lol