Have an Optimistic Thanksgiving


UPH Guru
A time to share. :)

Ogden Nash, a marvelous writer, and dubiously-skilled poet, was talking with some friends a few days after Thanksgiving. They were bemoaning the turkey hash,turkey soup, turkey sandwiches and other left-over turkey dishes from the holiday. One mentioned how dreadful it would be if there were TWO Thanksgivings.

Nash penned this shortly after. It's slightly abridged since I can't remember it all.

Enjoy your holiday.

When Thanksgiving came twice

Who walked so proud

as that grateful optimist, Mr. McCloud?

Things you and I would deeply deplore,

McCloud found ways to be grateful for.

Mrs. McCloud, on the other hand,

was always complaining to beat the band.

One day she tired of his cheerful note

and stuffed a tea-tray down his throat.

He remarked from the floor,

where they found him reclining

"I'm just a McCloud, with a silver lining."

Be well and safe, all.

Kis, Mick, and the Monster Puppy