

New member
New to this forum thing. I have been reading some of the postings, and I don't see anything about Grouse hunting. Is there anyone that hunts Grouse by them selfs, if can you tell me some of the tricks of being a lone hunter?

You might get some replies to your post if you tell us where you want to hunt them. There are more than one species of grouse. So please tell us which one and where...Bob
Dusky Grouse

I've hunted dusky (blue) grouse in the Colorado mountains. They are throughout the pine/fir forest and in aspen groves. Best way to hunt them is to cruise the logging or national forest trails in the morning and the afternoon to spot them. Never hunted any other type of grouse. Good luck.
I hunted sharptails for the first time in ND last year. Looked for the high ridges and approached from the down wind side. It seemed to me, you would be better off hunting alone for the praire grouse.
I hunt ruffed grouse, I usually find them near streams. Generally, they'll flush as I'm going over a log, going to the bathroom, or lighting a cigar.