Mason Brubaker
On a property in NDak, due west of Bismark, about half of it is in grass (on some side slopes that the farmer can't get equipment to). It's mostly brome, but has a lot of warm seasons mixed in. We're looking to improve that land for nesting cover, as it is roughly 160 acres of the farm (it's not in CRP. My dad bought the place for hunting, we want to do whatever we want to manage it most effectively and not have to deal with compliance issues.). If we were to have it grazed by the farmer in the late summer, and then hit with herbicide after the first frost, do y'all think there'd be a good chance that it would release the warm seasons growing in it? Or should we just look to nuke it and plant our desired cover? I'm aware that brome does provide some semblance of nesting cover, so we would most likely do it over the span of a couple years (less cost prohibitive that way anyway). Especially if we had to reseed it with natives. TIA !