Good View - What will they think of next

No way!

I found this video for the first time last night and thought about posting a link...apparently you're as excited as I am about getting up there:thumbsup:

It'd be nice to see the birds in the video better. I liked it:)
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Meeting beach004 and family Saturday afternoon. Can hardly wait.

I am very curious how the camera man was able to respond so fast to birds flying, etc. Get some good audio and a little zoom and WOW!
Tanner10 ain't the only one! Got out my woolies, including the insulated overalls the kids gave me for Xmas; and the blaze orange gaiter. Now if daughter remembers the glove warmers, I might be able to feel enough to pull a trigger.

Probably will not sleep between now and then...

I just viewed the video; it'll raise your pulse, for sure. The drone camera is a super idea. Observations: There didn't seem to be very many birds in that stretch, and every bird seemed to be a rooster; I'm a novice: Does that mean these were released birds?
Beach-you're in store for a great time in SD. You might be right on the hen/rooster observation. I had some friends from here in wisconsin that did a lodge hunt in SD two years ago at the beginning of December. They limited each day in short time but in retrospect wondered why it was that good that late in the year. I asked him how many gens they flushed and it was very few. He hadn't thought about the lack of hen flushes until then, but they haven't been back since.

To some (high$$) guys it might not mean much. I've made the drive the last two Years to hunt real genuine wild birds. I know youre doing the same and hope you have a great trip. South Dakota is a very special place for a pheasant hunter.

At the 10.00 mark when the dogs are in the high grass for a retrieve. What is that moving object on the left side of the screen. The dog almost runs into it on his return from the grass. I can't see it that well. drone shadow? pheasant? etc. Thanks JO BO
As far as I could tell that's just the drone's shadow. Neat's interesting watching the dogs work from this view.