good luck or bad luck stories


New member
i have had an up and down week for luck. felt very lucky after washing my hunting clothes. found out i had a bottle of buck urine in my pocket. i cant believe it didnt break:eek: being blackcloud it should of shattered and stunk up the whole house. i found it in the dryer after the load was done. next day my good luck was canceled out with some bad luck. 40mph winds in our area. any one see a large double bull blind sailing thru the air? might be in the neighbors crp or the river.:confused: if i do find it i hate to think what shape it might be in
Not sure if its good luck or bad but every time I went deer hunting this weekend (3 times) I've seen this black cat. Right after I see it I would see deer. Not sure if I should call it lucky cause I haven't shoot it yet, or jinx cause every time I see it I see deer.

Tonight I saw him on the other side of the pond and it wasn't even out of sight and a little buck was coming down the logging road at me. The buck walked all the way around the pond and didnt even notice the cat or stop and smell were the cat had sat.

I hope next time that dang cat can find a bigger buck to bring by me.:D