Giving Thanks


New member
I am thankful for the friends and all of the rest of you on this forum that share my passion for pheasant hunting.

I am thankful for the 50 years of bird hunting and related activities that I have been able to experience in my life.

I am thankful for still being able to flush, hear the cackle and experience the rush of chasing Iowa's greatest game bird.:)

I am thankful for my family and health which enables me to pursue pheasant more than any man should!:D

I am thankful for Zip, Whizzer, Jake, Simba and Sophie who have been my companions and right arm on many adventures, overnight stays in hotel rooms and incredible hunts over the years.

I am thankful for God, country and my fellow Americans who serve that enforce, allow and enable me to pheasant hunt.

Finally, I am thankful for Phasianus colchicus!:) We are forever connected.
very well said, god bless all of you, youre family and dogs. my youngest step daughter is in the army and we are going up to north western iowa tomorow for a rooster hunt. i cant wait. i took her pheasant hunting when she was 9 years old and she was shooting by 13. i remember her calling me from boot camp thanking me for teaching her how to shoot a gun. when it was time for live fire she said alot of the other girls were very nervous, she said i was able to jump right in and shoot. now she is alot better of a shot than i will ever think of being, i guess i did something right:cheers: happy thanksgiving everybody
Absolutely! I suspect your expressed sentiment represents how all/most of us feel.

Enjoy turkey day, all!
:cheers: Cant top that one. :thumbsup: