getting the itch


Hey there fellow anyone else out there getting the itch for opening weekend yet. I mean it is only 140 days 21 hours and 30 minutes til opening morning lol..just might have to do some scouting next weekend to help with this itch.
Now itching worse than before having read your countdown data. Finger trigger in extremis. <deep breaths> :p
Haha i do what i can britchaser...just had to add some more excitement into the room..i have the countdown timer on my phone. Not saying i am ready or anything but i am. I will wave next weekend as i pass you since i am down in baldwin and have to go through lawrence to get to the hunting grounds to scout.

I have never lost the itch. sometimes in seems to increase in intensity however. had a horrible experience with my aya 28 ga. I had talked some about, the company finally replaced the gun, got it back yesterday, headed for some clays today to see if this one works. took 9 months to get the issues resolved but everybody is still talking and I have a new gun to go shoot, it should work and that will make my itch a little stronger

That sounds like a plan to me. I have been hitting the clays about every other weekend to get ready for that one rooster i may see this year lol
I'm fishing now. Can't say that I've got an itch for birds until I hear some info on this years hatch. It wasn't worth the gas last season. Good luck with your itch Bro. :thumbsup:
Birds or no birds I still like to let my Pointers out of the box. I'll drive to just about anywhere to let them do their thing.

I have a young lab pup I'm starting for a friend of mine for duck season this year. The dogs have kept me occupied but I still have the itch to get out with a gun in hand and a pointer running ahead of me. Can't wait for duck seaon either. This little guy will be going teal hunting with me in September before he heads back west to his home.