Furry beast

It's that time of year. When you can really help pheasant by killing a furry beast:thumbsup: Going out to set the traps. How many guys on here trap? Let us know what you Got:thumbsup:
I just picked trapping up a couple years back. I love it:thumbsup:. Checking trap-lines is always a thrill.

Tuesday is open season on the furry one's out here. I've got some new traps for an area that's overrun by coons. Pheasant numbers have been down back there. I'm guessing the coons have something to do with it.

Good luck out there Coot. Let us know how you do. I'll try to post some pictures once things start rolling out there.

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I used to trap, but my wonderful state put it on the ballot years ago and the new comers voted to end it!! I could use live traps, but they are hard to lug around. Good luck Coot!!
Leg hold and snares and conibear traps are illegal unless you are on private ground with a special permit because of a nuisance critter.
Leg hold and snares and conibear traps are illegal unless you are on private ground with a special permit because of a nuisance critter.

That's awful. Every coon is a nuisance at some point in it's life to somebody or something.

I don't trap but I do try to kill my share of predators.
Second year trapping, I really enjoy it. Only went for coon last year, going after fox, yote, and coon this year. Hoping to get some muskrat/beaver land too.
Second year trapping, I really enjoy it. Only went for coon last year, going after fox, yote, and coon this year. Hoping to get some muskrat/beaver land too.

Hey Deuce. Welcome to the site;) Good luck out there this season.:thumbsup:

I only trap around our chicken coop, but I think the neighborhood quail nests are benefitting from my efforts.:thumbsup: Just cage traps...

I have been looking at the dog-proof raccoon traps for almost a year now, but haven't pulled the trigger and bought any yet. They seem like they would be pretty handy.
Those are nice Toad. I put a few of those out yesterday evening for the first time. They're quick and easy to set.:)

Does anyone out there have some advice for trapping beavers out of a pond? It, or they, are coming in and out of a large pond wherever they please. I can't seem to "funnel" them to my traps:confused: I've made slides/openings to try to make it more appealing for them to come in and out where my traps are set (at the ponds edges) but still nothing:confused:

I trapped a starling:10sign: You got to be good to do that:D There ain't $hi# out there must of killed them all last year:thumbsup:
1pheas - can you set near a lodge in IL? If not, find where they're feeding and set there, or wait until freeze up. The ice should funnel that nicely.
1pheas - can you set near a lodge in IL? If not, find where they're feeding and set there, or wait until freeze up. The ice should funnel that nicely.

I can't figure it out:mad:. I've talked over the phone with a few guys who have been at it (trapping) for awhile. They've been giving me tips, I've tried them out but they aren't working.

I've even made a floating set, fake "den", slides, snares, conibears, foot holds. Tried with castor, without castor. Nothing:confused:

Get some poplar branches to lure it to your trap. Make sure the branches are fresh cut/green and strip just a little bark off. If you can't find poplar willow will work just not as well. Put your set and fresh branches at waters edge near a slightly deeper section of bank. ,
Get some poplar branches to lure it to your trap. Make sure the branches are fresh cut/green and strip just a little bark off. If you can't find poplar willow will work just not as well. Put your set and fresh branches at waters edge near a slightly deeper section of bank. ,

Try some fresh sliced apples as well!!
Thanks for the tips guys. It's worth a shot. I placed a fresh cut willow branch on the float with castor the other day. Maybe they don't like willow branch:confused:

I trapped a starling:10sign: You got to be good to do that:D There ain't $hi# out there must of killed them all last year:thumbsup:

Same thing around here too. I put 2 dozen traps out for coyotes, fox, and coons. Nothing but possums and feral cats for a week of trapping:eek:

I pulled all my traps out yesterday--except the ones for the beavers.

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Fresh cuttings and sliced apples has lured a few for me in the live traps. I always had legs of Magpies and starlings until I hid my baits better.:thumbsup: