Franchi 48 al


Active member
I have never seen one locally. I like a high rib/low drop gun. Guys that have them and like them, can you compare them to the fit of another make/model? My only option is buying online. They seem like an inexpensive gamble for a really light 12 gauge.
I have one that was my dads. He never used anything else, that I saw. I’m sure before my time he did. It’s incredibly light, reliable and shoots good. It will kick obviously with heavy loads.
I have a 20 that I hunted with for years. Same feel as Auto 5 recoil wise… nice light field guns.
I have a 12 and a 20. Extremely reliable and mine don’t kick much. I put new brass friction rings in mine and usually leave them turned to the heavy load side and they cycle all but the lightest loads. They are really light guns especially the 20 gauge.
Myself and also my brother had one. They were one of the reasons I went to double guns. Maybe we got lemons, maybe we didn't take care of them, but they were both jam-o-matics! My brother would carry a bottle of WD-40 and a toothbrush in his hunting coat! The one I had was the black one. It was pretty and lite but had to be cleaned and oiled about 20 to one compared to a double gun.
No they don't run dry. The magazine tube should be clean of any crud buildup. The tube requires a heavy oil like motor oil. It will not cycle without the magazine tube being clean and lightly lubricated. They should not jam if set up correctly. The second thing would be having the rings set properly. Just like an Auto 5. That barrel has to slide on the mag tube with each shot.

Was on a trip one time and mine started having trouble cycling. Didn't have any oil with me. Took it apart at the truck and wiped off the magazine tube. Took the dip stick out of the truck and put a few drops of oil on the tube. All good. Never had an issue with mine unless the mag tube wasn't clean and light oiling on it.
Nice. Watch a couple of videos from Art's Gun Shop on Youtube about the Browning Auto 5 and it'll help you understand how the gun operates. It is basically a copy. Rings may be a little different but I'm sure you can find diagrams online for your model of Franchi.
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Tons of videos and diagrams online about how to set up the friction rings. That’s where most people go wrong I believe. If the friction rings are set up wrong these guns will kick too much or not cycle correctly.