Forgive me, Father


New member
Hunter: "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."

Priest: "I figured as much. What was it this time?"

Hunter: "I went dove hunting this morning with my new 28-guage and my new bird dog, and out there in the field I used a considerable amount of loud profanity."

Priest: "Why did you do that?"

Hunter: "'Cause those damn -- excuse me, those rascal -- doves were throwing some evasive moves at me, moves they must have learned from the Devil himself! I kept trying to take them with my Skeet barrel in close, so I waited until they were almost on top of me. But then as I raised up to shoot they'd give a little wiggle move and zoom past me before I could correct my point and pull the trigger. It was a nightmare!"

Priest: "What did you do then, my son?"

Hunter: "Well, after missing the first eight shots I flipped the safety selector to the Improved Cylinder barrel and started firing at them a bit farther out. That helped some, at least I started dropping a few. I ended up with 8 or 9 birds out of 25 shots."

Priest: "Anything else you wish to confess? I missed breakfast this morning and my stomach's been growling."

Hunter: "Oh, sorry, Father. Well, matter of fact, yes. I misjudged the color of the t-shirt I was wearing; it was too bright a shade of green? I think that was spooking the birds far enough out to make them flare slightly out of range. Also, a horsefly kept landing on me and biting me through my shirt. And every single time I bent down to pat my dog's head a dove would fly over me only 15 feet up and be out of range before I could lift my gun, and..."

Priest: "Your sins are many, my son. First you must switch out the choke tubes on that 28-guage. Try the Improved Cylinder/Modified combination. If that doesn't work go with Modified/Full. Wear some camo clothing, and don't worry so much about getting shot by those hunters standing straight across from you at that sunflower food plot."

Hunter: "Hey, how'd you know were I was hunting this morning?"

Priest: "Never mind that; just try these remedies."

Hunter: "Okay. But will doing these things absolve me of my sins?"

Priest: "I doubt it, but they might give you hope. Whatever you do, keep praying; with doves we all need to do that."
lol........So in other words you had a rough day today ha?:D
lol........So in other words you had a rough day today ha?:D

Yes, opening day was definitely rough until I finally started dropping birds. There for a while it was almost like learning to shoot all over again.

Things went better tonight, in the kitchen. Yesterday morning after getting home I filleted the birds then soaked their breast halves in salt water overnight. For supper tonight I dredged the fillets in Louisiana Fish Fry breading mix (gives a nice lemon flavor) then deep fried the pieces six at a time. Served them up hot with dip bowls of coctail sauce (after discovering I was out of salsa). Good stuff!

My dentist might be disappointed when he learns I didn't bite down on a single pellet. (I've been helping him buy a cabin on the lake.)

I didn't hunt today but will again soon. Gotta try out the new choke tube combination of Imp Cyl/Mod and see how that works. Hopefully I'm not over-thinking the whole business, which is easy to do with a new shotgun.
Hopefully I'm not over-thinking the whole business, which is easy to do with a new shotgun.

That's easy to do. I had that problem in '05. I saw a show on finding which eye is dominate. Started thinking about my shot too much and couldn't hit a darn thing until I let it all go and just let my subconscious do the work like it did prior to seeing that show.

You'll get it. Good luck!
I was the guy hunting with Close Rage on that cold day decades ago. I was also with him as he broke in his new 28 guage this past thursday. I have hunted with a lot of guys and he is far and away the best wing shot I ever observed and a boon companion. Now for my experience Thursday. Because of a recently developed maclear wrinkle, I am now rig, ht-handed and left-eyed. I poped 44 caps,shooting left-handed and downed four birds. I did shoot once right-handed and downed one of those. Talk about discouraging. Will I do it again? You bet. I'm going to lick this. Knowing Close range as I do, he certainly does have a lot of sins to atone for but that's classified.
Why, Retired Guy, your compliment is most kind. (I got paid last Thursday so your check's in the mail.)

By the way, I forgot to mention this earlier because you were distracted looking for your own targets to pick out. But apparently you didn't notice why I missed the first eight birds I shot at. I tried shooting left-handed, just like you were doing, except my shotgun was resting on my right shoulder and I was tracking incoming birds with my back turned toward them, using a mirror like Annie Oakley? She was good at that but it didn't work too well for me.