For mstand!


New member
Hopefully some of these photos help with what I and others have been sharing on the differences between young and old birds.

A bird with spurs like this or less is a hatchling from this year's brood:

Please notice the primary feathers by my fingers. They are short and still in the pin stage. These are indicators of a hatchling from this year's brood:

These tail feathers are short--8 inches or so and the tips are full of blood. These are indicators of a hatchling from this year's brood. An adult bird has hollow tips at the bottom of the feathers with no blood present--much more length as well.

I appreciate your desire to learn more about the birds we hunt mstand.:)

Thank you Kbell. As with nate's post, this explains alot. HAte to admit it, but i am more of a visual learner :(.
I think knowing and understanding what we are hunting adds a whole knew element to the game.
The beak think had me scratching my head so I m glad that I was able to see the picture of that one. I was looking at the bird I shot yesterday, thinking the beak looks normal to me!!:confused::laugh:

Thanks for taking the time to show us. :)
Glad to help friend!:)

I am working my third cup of coffee this morning as awoke to heavy fog, drizzle, and 35 degree temps. Hoping to get back out there after em. I have never seen such young birds as like yesterday. My hunting experience years is nearing the half-century mark.

I am losing the fog slowly and the temp is now 42 degrees. Only problem is the wind is picking up.