
I guess we need to be careful what we wish for. This spring has been wet in NW IA too. After 3 years of drought, we seem to get rain about every 4 days this spring. 1.25" Monday night into Tuesday and it is raining again as look out the window now. A great year to plant trees or grass....I usually plant some trees and this year I did a bit of lawn grass too...haven't watered it from a hose yet! I am lucky as we are higher ground with quite minimal chances for water to stand. Our subsoil is likely getting rehydrated now too, I thought that would take years to happen! I would like to see how far ahead we are for YTD precipitation compared to our average, it must be close to a foot I would guess. Great for our habitat, not the best for nesting birds, I am thinking we are a week or 2 from the hatch, they will fair much better in dry conditions that wet.
At least there will be plenty of bugs to eat out there. You need water to hatch bugs and you need bugs for chicks to eat.
Right! I am not sure how/what those chicks have been eating when it has been so dry. Maybe we have had limited chicks making it to maturity. I know where the is a big mound ant hill just off a driving path, I have thought about putting a trail cam on it to see if hens bring their broods there...like a buffet!
Unfortunately, most of our recently planted food plots and a good deal of our CRP is flooded. Pics below:IMG_4791.png


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Yikes! That is much worse than what I had envisioned! Bummer for sure. You must have a waterway,creek,river there close? That is a ton of water!
Yes, there is a creek that is very prone to flooding running through. On one hand, that's how we got the ground for the price we did, but will generally be the limiting factor. About 40 of the 170 acres is dry. Good thing hens are pretty resilient nesters.