First Pheasant Season is over!


Saturday was Windy (Gusts up to 50mph), lots of birds, and 2 missed shots.
My pup (Ella) did great, she pointed 7 times and all seven she held until I flushed the birds. Only one was a rooster and I just plain missed an easy shot.
While walking through cut wheat Ella got on the trail of a rooster running ahead of us and I let her take off after it. approximately 300yds ahead she caught up to it and the bird flushed back toward me flying with the wind. I did shoot but I am pretty sure he was flying faster than my shot.
Ella and I ended up the season with 8 birds and many lessons learned for our first year. Attached are a couple of pics of Ella, one of her pointing a hen I saw run into a thicket and another of her posing for the camera. She is a woman after all.
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That is a good first season!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Saturday was Windy (Gusts up to 50mph), lots of birds, and 2 missed shots.
My pup (Ella) did great, she pointed 7 times and all seven she held until I flushed the birds. Only one was a rooster and I just plain missed an easy shot.
While walking through cut wheat Ella got on the trail of a rooster running ahead of us and I let her take off after it. approximately 300yds ahead she caught up to it and the bird flushed back toward me flying with the wind. I did shoot but I am pretty sure he was flying faster than my shot.
Ella and I ended up the season with 8 birds and many lessons learned for our first year. Attached are a couple of pics of Ella, one of her pointing a hen I saw run into a thicket and another of her posing for the camera. She is a woman after all.

Sounds like a great first season. Congrats!
Saturday was Windy (Gusts up to 50mph), lots of birds, and 2 missed shots.
My pup (Ella) did great, she pointed 7 times and all seven she held until I flushed the birds. Only one was a rooster and I just plain missed an easy shot.
While walking through cut wheat Ella got on the trail of a rooster running ahead of us and I let her take off after it. approximately 300yds ahead she caught up to it and the bird flushed back toward me flying with the wind. I did shoot but I am pretty sure he was flying faster than my shot.
Ella and I ended up the season with 8 birds and many lessons learned for our first year. Attached are a couple of pics of Ella, one of her pointing a hen I saw run into a thicket and another of her posing for the camera. She is a woman after all.

Looks like you've got a great dog and many seasons ahead to add stories and adventures.. Great job...:thumbsup:
I hate missing those cake shots... Especially when the dog looks at you and their expression is "how did you miss that?":)
Nice job Eddie! I had a great time hunting with you and Ella, she is going to be pheasant hunting monster by next year! I look forward to next year and a possible team up again.

Thank you
Nice job Eddie! I had a great time hunting with you and Ella, she is going to be pheasant hunting monster by next year! I look forward to next year and a possible team up again.

Thank you

Hey John, Yea Ella has a lot of instinct and she should only get better, cause everyone knows it aint my training. Next season give me a call and we'll get together especially since we are already hitting the same fields.