most studies say the 3" shells for the most part get you just a higher price and performance is nearly the same, one of the reasons, esp. for the 20 ga. is that there is only so much stuff that the barrel can handle without crushing the pellets which causes even more flyers. mfg. love em' though. for a reminder, the average duck or pheasant is hit with 6 pellets, mag. shells and or the 3" shells have about 20% more shot, therefore wizbangs, 20 % more of 6 is about 1. don't tell me it's that one extra pellet that is knocking them dead, i was born at night but it wasn't last night. as far as the fiocchi shells go, they are first class, nickel shot and a decent speed of around 1300, good energy, wonderful patterns and they are more than price competitive, in fact, cheaper than most. when shooting pheasants don't get caught up in trying to find the best shell, buy some cheap stuff and learn to shoot. you'll come out ahead