Finished season strong


New member
I had my last hunt for the year last weekend for the season and it was a good one. We luckily got permission to hunt a piece of crp that hadn’t been hunted all year. We started the hunt and hens started jumping everywhere. I was just assuming they would spook the roosters but they didn’t. We started kicking roosters up and all 3 of us had our limit in about 30 minutes. It was a weird hunt in that we never had a hen jump close to us but almost all the roosters held tight. Completely opposite of what always happens but how nice it was. Anyone else had this happen lately?
Heck of a hunt.
I had my last hunt for the year last weekend for the season and it was a good one. We luckily got permission to hunt a piece of crp that hadn’t been hunted all year. We started the hunt and hens started jumping everywhere. I was just assuming they would spook the roosters but they didn’t. We started kicking roosters up and all 3 of us had our limit in about 30 minutes. It was a weird hunt in that we never had a hen jump close to us but almost all the roosters held tight. Completely opposite of what always happens but how nice it was. Anyone else had this happen lately?
. We had a similar hunt in mid December. We hunted corners on a half mile circle that had not been hunted. The cover was extremely thick scenting conditions were horrible. However the birds sat tight and we were actually walking over them. But we hunted slow and let the dogs do the work. Took us a little longer 3 hours for a 11 man limit We had some great dog work in spite of the dry conditions
our group of three hunted west central from daylight till near dark. I saw three, maybe four roosters and we got shots at two. Probably should of only been the one. We saw several hens and one covey of quail. We had cheesy's near two year old shorthair that has turned into a pretty good dog and his five month old pup. Ended the day with one quail and lots of sore muscles.
Spent a long day on Saturday hunting and scouting new wihas for next year. Killed one rooster and should have had a few quail. It was a beautiful point/retrieve from my 14 month-old V. Just me and a friend.

Sunday was just a quick trip to the friend's 80 much closer to town. Found a covey but no birds were harmed.

It's still very wet out there, which hopefully means tall wheat in mid-april.
I have experienced similar conditions this year. A few fields this past weekend the roosters were in bachelor groups. Walked in on a point in a plum thicket and had eight roosters get up together and never flushed a hen. In the next field I walked in on another point and had two roosters get right under my feet and doubled with my 28.
Shot 8 between 6 of us on sat. Pretty much one bird a corner. Pup handled it well including 3 or 4 running cripples, Sunday I had a half day to myself. Flushed the fourth , flew like it had been hit before and I dropped it again, Pup caught it on the run and I was digging for my camera. In the tussle it got away and we never did find it. She's done really well she tracked the first on Sunday and I did'nt think there was any way she was going to find it, but she stuck with it. The moisture in the air has been great for hunting a first year dog. On the weekend we saw way more roosters than hens. But just think that is the way it is sometimes, roosters moving around and laying more scent.