Final Day of Iowa 24-25 Season


Active member
My younger son and I made it out this morning for our final hunt of this season. We hit some private ground that we hunted a couple of weeks ago and had a pretty good day ending with 4 birds and a couple of misses. We had some birds flushing wild but the majority held super tight and the dogs a great job of finding them. I’ll be editing the video footage and posting it soon. In the meantime this is my son with the bounty.
You fellas have more snow than here....I think if you go any direction but north from me, there is more snow than here.
Nice pic!
3 guys, 3 dogs, 9 birds in just under 2 hours. Some questionable shooting to get #9, but there were about 4 birds that got up in 3 minutes to give us multiple chances and we finally connected. Insane amount of birds seen for January 10. Awesome day. I’ll take Iowa over SD most days in many categories, pheasant hunting being first.